Flu is here, and so are vaccines

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association The message was clear on a recent call with hospital CEOs and state health officials: Flu is here in Texas – earlier and with more concern – and getting vaccinated is more important than ever. While it seems everyone is coughing or sneezing this season, the general public is well versed in prevention tactics due to a crash course in COVID-19 over the last year and a half....

Promote, encourage community-based COVID-19 testing for kids

BY Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association Protecting the state’s youngest Texans during the rampant spread of the COVID-19 delta variant amid an in-person learning environment is increasingly challenging. Data from the Texas Department of State Health Services indicate that, by late August, more than 51,000 Texas children contracted COVID-19 since the new school year began. Vaccines are not yet available for most school-age children, and Texas educators have less flexibility this year in terms...

Delta prompts a doubled-down defense

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association As the rate of COVID-19 hospitalization increases, the impact of the delta variant is in clear focus. Transmission of the delta variant poses an incredible risk to our communities. With that challenge, however, comes an important opportunity to strengthen and sharpen the defenses that we know work. Wearing a face mask, practicing social distancing, and adhering to health experts’ guidance are critical to mitigate disease spread. But vaccination...

Time is of the essence for health care coverage and vaccination

Special to Medical Journal – Houston By TED SHAW, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association   When the gavel fell on Memorial Day to wrap the 2021 legislative session, we knew that lawmakers would return to the capital city for at least one special session. Gov. Greg Abbott convened state lawmakers earlier this month to address a number of his priorities that did not pass during the regular session. A directive to prohibit the delivery or mailing...

Whirlwind legislative session yields successes for Texas health care providers

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association . Following a year of uncertainty, stress, and burnout in 2020, many of us were hopeful that the 2021 legislative session would be relatively quiet, focus on the important issues and short on political posturing. While the session may have begun that way, tranquility and order rarely last to sine die. On top of the many consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state also had to grapple with...

Texas’ health care infrastructure depends on the Medicaid 1115 Waiver

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association About a week before U.S. Census data revealed that Texas would gain two additional congressional seats—the most of any state in the nation—we learned that our state’s ability to provide health care services would dramatically shrink. Last month, the federal health agency over Medicaid and Medicare abruptly announced that it had rescinded Texas’ historic 10-year Medicaid 1115 Waiver extension, worth $100 billion through Sept. 30, 2030. Access to...

Support coverage expansion amid new health care plan

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association   For the first time in years, Republican and Democratic state lawmakers are united in supporting legislation to expand health care coverage in Texas. Senate Bill 117/House Bill 3871, known as the Live Well Texas Plan, is the first promising package to expand health care coverage in Texas that the legislature has seen in nearly a decade.   The plan boasts strong bipartisan support and provides a path...

Texas’ essential workers would benefit from coverage expansion

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association   Next to our health care heroes, grocery store employees have been among the most visible of Texas’ frontline workers. They have earned a reputation for supporting the state during its most challenging and darkest days.   Amid the pandemic, a statewide stay at home order and the winter storm that rendered the state largely inert—without power and water and roads that were impassable due to snow, ice...

Building on Texas’ Medicaid 1115 waiver extension

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association As COVID-19 vaccines continue to flow to patients across the state, Texas health care providers have another reason to be hopeful for the future. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently approved a monumental 10-year extension of a Medicaid waiver that provides critically needed stability to the health care safety net in Texas. Last year, Texas hospitals incurred more than $4.6 billion in uncompensated care costs. Then,...

Priorities for a new, healthier year

By Ted Shaw, President/CEO, Texas Hospital Association With the new year comes new opportunities and a renewed focus on our goals for the future. COVID-19 vaccination is underway, and Texas hospitals hope for a healthy future. But herd immunity is just one part of ensuring a healthy future for Texas residents. Texas hospitals have several public policy priorities for the 87th Texas Legislature, which recently convened in Austin for its 140-day legislative session. Reducing the...

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